Being on the Make-A-Wish team for the TCU Chi O's is no easy task, we recently just elected our new team so I thought I would introduce you to each new member.
The 2011 Make-A-Wish chair is Miss Hannah Livingston. Hannah is a junior Child Development major from Dallas, Texas. When Hannah's not in school she loves to travel. She recently spent two months in South Africa working with underprivileged kids; while she was there she was also able to enjoy skydiving across Cape Town, cage diving with great whites and touring the country! Hannah's position as the Make-A-Wish chair is a busy job. She oversees all the positions we have on the team and makes sure everything is running smoothly. Hannah does a tremendous amount of work to keep our events up and running.
However, Hannah can’t do it all by herself. Her right hand man, Brooke Young is the Make-A-Wish chair assistant. Brooke is a sophomore Advertising/Public Relations and Psychology double major from Seattle, Washington. In her spare time she loves reading, cooking, photography and scrap booking! Brooke’s position as the Make-A-Wish chair assistant helps with the overflow of responsibilities for the Make-A-Wish chair.
Grace Hughston, our team’s auction leader, is from San Angelo, Texas. Grace is a Marketing major at TCU’s Neeley School of Business. On top of being in the Neeley School of Business, Grace is also in a two-year leadership program that focuses on developing leadership skills. When she isn’t in school she loves to cook meals for herself and for her roommates, as well as painting! Grace’s position as the Make-A-Wish auction leader is to collect and set up all 150-auction items from the members of our sorority. She is also in charge of the entire set up of the auction, which includes a sit down dinner and a band. The Chi Omega auction has been very successful over the past few years. Just last year the auction raised more than $23,000 for Make-A-Wish.

Haley Luter, a sophomore Advertising/Public Relations major with minors in Art and Business from Allen, Texas shares the job of our Make-A-Wish team’s Advertising and Public Relations Chair. Haley is joined by Meg Brown, a junior Advertising/Public Relations major with a minor in Sociology from Boston, Massachusetts. Both Haley and Meg love to be outdoors, watch movies, hang out with friends and cook! Their job on the Ad/PR team consists of promoting all the numerous events we host through out the year. Whether it’s making flyers for Frats-At-Bat or sending out emails for the Race for Wishes, they have it covered!
Madeline Nagel, a freshman nursing major from Austin, Texas is head of our Corporate Sponsor position. Madeline loves to read, run, dance and hang out with her family. Her position as our Corporate Sponsor consists of contacting local businesses in order to raise awareness about the Make-A-Wish Foundation and also ask for donations for Make-A-Wish.
The TCU Chi O’s 2011 Make-A-Wish team is a great group of girls, I think working together they will do a tremendous job and have a huge impact on the Make-A-Wish Foundation.
That is all for now, see you all next week!
Sounds like your chapter is doing a lot for your community! Together you are making a huge impact on a life. You all should be proud!